Sunday, July 8, 2012

Before the end of this week...


Firstly, an Owl Post for my dearest Francesca in Italy.
She's a Harry Potter Fan just like me, if I did not forget, I was the one who introduced HP to her!

Vintage HP envelope with matching vintage brown paper. The side of the paper is purposely tore, I really love how vintage-y it looks! I could hardly give it away as I love it so much myself! But good things are meant to be shared,right?

Harry Potter seal on the back.

Harry Potter Exhibition Brochure from the exhibition which I went to in June.

Next, this is for Bree! She won my first giveaway!

For Louise in the Uk.

For Melanie in France. Did you guys know that one of my favourite tea is the Chamomile Tea? The scent of Chamomile is just too soothing~

For Laura in Canada!


Lastly, here's my favourite Ben & Jerry's - Phish Food!
I shouldn't be eating this as I've caught a cold/flu but I'm just too tempted!
Ahh! I'm a glutton in disguise!
Anyways, have you guys tried Ben & Jerry's before?
What's your favourite flavour?

Look! It's a fish! How cute it is? Even my mum agrees that it's so adorable!

Alright, I'm off to study for tomorrow's Chinese Oral Exam! Have a nice Sunday people!
Take Care!


  1. Ooh, looks lovely! Can't wait to get it! :)

  2. Can't wait to receive it! :) Thank you so much! All the best for your oral exam! I bet you'll do well!

  3. Ooh, snail mail! I always love that:D
    And Phish Food is my absolute favorite B&Js!

    Good luck on your exam!

  4. Love all the letters - especially the Harry Potter one!

    I remember when my friend went to Canada years ago and she came back raving about Phish Food! It looks so yummy.

    x Jasmine
