Thursday, May 31, 2012

Outgoing letters!

This is another post of my outgoing letters! I've sent mail to Marta, Katie, Beverly and Elijah!

1) I've handmade a postcard for Elijah with Chinese letters on it. And a handmade envelope with some random things in it!(:

2) To my dear Marta, I've sent a handsewn pouch from Pakistan to her to thank her for the polish book she have sent me!

3) To Katie(: , I've sent her a lovely floral letter set I've just bought and a pack of kawaii Japan papers as she have told me that she likes Japanese stationaries.

4) A letter to my cousin, Beverly! ^^

Lastly, I've also sent out a bunch of postcards! I hope it will cheer up those who receive the cards!

Okay so I'm looking forward to receiving more letters soon! Have a nice week everyone!


  1. Your handwriting is so neat!! O, forgot to tell you that you can see our famous cheesemarket in Alkmaar on the envelop for you ;)

    Bye, Mariza

    1. Hello Mariza! Thank you so much! Can't wait to receive your letter!!! Hehe!^^
      I hope you're doing well! Thank you for visiting my blog!
